Service Event Collection and Analytics (SECA ) Service provides end-to-end visibility, real time analytics into the health and performance of business functionality built as micro services using Macaw platform. SECA service can be easily configured to capture service events from services and provide insights such as: Method invocations that are taking long time to complete Continue Reading
With release 0.9.4, Macaw platform supports microservice provisioning to environments backed by Kubernetes cluster. Macaw Service provisioner leverages the Kubernetes deployment declaratives to orchestrate the seamless creation and management of service pods. Below are the high level features supported by Macaw platform release 0.9.4 w.r.t Kubernetes environment. Ability to provision Service Blueprints into environments backed Continue Reading
Containers have been called the “third wave of computing,” after the x86 server revolution and virtual machines. Containers are lightweight, portable compute instances and offer better density and compute efficiency per server than VMs. For getting started with containers, there are two ways to host your container environment: on a bare-metal server or inside a Continue Reading
What is the best cut of your application or service? How fine-grained you want your services to be? We would say whatever gives the developers freedom of action and the ability to adopt – “You build it, You run it” model. With Cloud, DevOps & Containers, enterprises are able to modernize their IT, resulting in Continue Reading
Once the need for Microservices adoption is established, enterprises will have to develop a strategy to deploy an across-the-board platform to maintain consistency and capitalize on widespread benefits. Enterprises have broadly three approaches to choose from each with its own benefits and drawbacks. DIY Approach: In this approach Enterprises can build their own Microservices platform Continue Reading